relazioni annuali
relazioni annuali

The Student-Teacher Committee is responsible for monitoring the Taught Programmes and their quality (quality enhancement and quality accountability), as well as the support for students provided by professors and lecturers.

The Committee expresses opinions on the activation and the withdrawal of Master’s courses and sends to the School Executive Board, to the “Nucleo di Valutazione” (Evaluation Body) and to the “PQA” (University Quality Assurance Board)   of the University of Trento an annual report about the Taught Programmes. The report is prepared by examining each Master’s Course, with particular reference to the results of the student opinion surveys, identifying any specific problems on each Master’s course.

The report also examines student satisfaction with the different aspects of teaching, learning and organization, including the teaching staff; The regular career development of students; The provision of facilities and laboratories, the quality of services and the organization of the rooms.

Comments or suggestions may be adressed to cpds.ssi [at]

Members of the Student-Teacher Committee:

  • Prof. Antonino Alì
  • Dott.ssa Sondra Faccio
  • Prof.ssa Sofia Graziani
  • Dott. Stefano Palestini
  • 2 students from each of the Master’s Degrees: Chiara Dinarello (MEIS), Alessandro Iurato (MEIS), Fabio Molinaro (MISS), Vera Povolato (MISS)

The reports of the Committee are available in the Download box.

Resoconti CPDS
Resoconti CPDS