Italy and the International Security of Cultural Heritage

This project looks at processes related to the destruction and reconstruction of cultural heritage (CH) at risk, being premised on the assumption that the international protection of CH and its legal and political mechanisms represent relevant entry points to understand broader dynamics of world politics, such as: the changing forms of conflicts and political violence; the changing nature of international interventions and missions, as well as of multilateral instruments; the political use and misuse of transnational identities and collective memories; the relations between the military and the civilians as well as conservation professionals and humanitarian actors.

Research Team

  • Alessandra Russo (PI), Paolo Rosa, Paolo Foradori - School of International Studies (UniTrento)
  • Camilla Pagani - School of International Studies (UniTrento)
  • Francesca CaponeEmanuele Sommario - Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies (Pisa)
  • Micaela FrulliDeborah Russo - University of Florence

Institutions involved in the Project

  • School of International Studies (UniTrento)
  • Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies (Pisa)
  • University of Florence


European Union – Next Generation EU, in the framework of PRIN 2022 PNRR Call, project “Defending Art. Italy and the International Security of Cultural Heritage. DEFART.IT" (P20228ZZ78) - CUP E53D23021190001.

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