Working Papers
Sin dall’inizio della sua attivita’ la SSI ha dato avvio ad una collana di Working papers che riguardano lavori scientifici su tematiche legate agli Studi internazionali stilati da parte di Docenti afferenti alla Scuola, relatori che hanno tenuto conferenze o seminari all’interno di uno dei programmi didattici della Scuola stessa, o dai Dottorandi.
I Working papers sono scaricabili nelle sezioni seguenti.
- WP05/2020: Luigi BONATTI, Andrea FRACASSO, "The Covid-19 crisis, Italy and Ms. Merkel’s turnaround: Will the EU ever be the same again?"
- WP04/2020: Jasmine MONDOLO, "The evolution of technological change and its impact on workers. A survey of the literature"
- WP03/2020: Stefano SCHIAVO, Chiara TOMASI, Min ZHU, "Anti-dumping Activities against China:Patterns and Effects"
- WP02/2020: Jasmine MONDOLO, "Macro and microeconomic evidence on investment, factor shares, firm and labor dynamics in Italy and in Trentino"
- WP01/2020: Stefano SCHIAVO, Silvio TRAVERSO, "Fair Trade or Trade Fair? International Food Trade and Cross-border Macronutrient Flows"
- WP02/2017: Davide GENELETTI, Martina SARTORI, Stefano SCHIAVO, Rocco SCOLOZZI, "To what extent will climate and land use change affect EU-28 agriculture? A computable general equilibrium analysis"
WP01/2017: Luigi BONATTI, Lorenza LORENZETTI, "Slow Fertility Transition in Sub-Saharan Africa:What Implications for Europe’s Development Aid and Migration Policies?"
- WP05/2016: Matteo BORZAGA, "The Italian social security system after the recent economic and financial crisis and the related reforms: are austerity measures the right answer?"
- WP04/2016: Martina SARTORI, Stefano SCHIAVO, Andrea FRACASSO, Massimo RICCABONI, "Modeling the future evolution of the virtual water trade network: A combination of network and "gravity models
- WP03/2016, Paolo TURRINI "The Human Right to Water and International Law: An Overview in the Light of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals"
- WP02/2016: Chiara SISLER, "Intergovernmentalism and the reinforcement of the economic governance in the European Union: the Fiscal Compact"
- WP01/2016: Chiara SISLER, "The impact of intergovernmentalism in crisis management on the EU Treaties framework: the watering down of the no-bailout clause"
- WP04/2015: Matteo BORZAGA, Riccardo SALOMONE, "Challenging the right to strike or attacking the ILOs monitoring system
- WP03/2015: Andrea FRACASSO, Hien Thi Thanh NGUYEN, Stefano SCHIAVO, "The Evolution of Oil Trade: a Complex Network Approach"
- WP02/2015: Umberto TULLI, "A Salutary Shock? The 30-years struggle for the introducion of European elections"
- WP01/2015: Peng BIN, "Regional Disparity and Dynamic Development of China: a Multidimensional Index"
- WP11/2014: Marta ANTONELLI, Martina SARTORI, "Unfolding the potential of the Virtual Water concept. What is still under debate?
- WP10/2014: Andrea FRACASSO, Martina SARTORI, Stefano SCHIAVO, "Determinants of virtual water flows in the Mediterranean"
- WP09/2014: Matteo BORZAGA, "Die Auseinandersetzung um die Anerkennung des Streikrechts in den Ubereinkommen ber die Koalitionsfreiheit der Internationalen Arbeitsorganisation: eine Gefahrdung des gesamten IAO- Uberwachungssystems? - (The debate about the recognition of the right to strike in the International Labour Organisation's Conventions on the freedom of association: a danger for the whole ILO monitoring system?)
- WP08/2014: Paolo TURRINI, "Virtual Water and International Law"
- WP07/2014: Roberto ROSON, Martina SARTORI, "Input-output linkages and the propagation of domestic productivity shocks: Assessing alternative theories with stochastic simulation"
- WP06/2014: Martina SARTORI, Stefano SCHIAVO, "Virtual water trade and country vulnerability: A network perspective"
- WP05/2014: Andrea FRACASSO, Nicola GRASSANO, Giuseppe VITTUCCI MARZETTI, "The gravity of foreign news coverage in the EU: does the euro matter?"
- WP04/2014: Andrea FRACASSO, "A gravity model of virtual water trade
- WP03/2014: Luigi BONATTI, Andrea FRACASSO, "Modeling the Transition Towards Renminbi's Full Convertibility: Implications for China's Growth"
- WP02/2014: Matteo BORZAGA, "Luci ed ombre delle più recenti riforme del mercato del lavoro tedesco agli occhi del giuslavorista italiano" (The impact of the most recent labour law reforms in Germany: considerations from an Italian perspective)
- WP01/2014: Shamnaaz B. SUFRAUJ, Stefano SCHIAVO, Massimo RICCABONI, "The Structure and Growth of World Trade, and the Role of Europe in the Global Economy"
- WP01/2008: Jonathan HOPKIN & Mark BLYTH, "Equality Versus Efficiency? Structural Reform, Inequality, and Economic Performance in Western Europe"
- WP02/2007: Luca MAESTRIPIERI, "La genesi della Commissione per il consolidamento della pace"
- WP01/2007: Alberto CUTILLO, "Reviewing Fifteen Years of Peacebuilding. Past, Present and Future of International Assistance to Countries Emerging from Conflicts and Italy's Contribution"
- WP03/2006: Scott A. KEEFER, "Reassessing The Anglo-German Naval Arms Race"
- WP02/2006: Amr YOSSEF, "The Six-Day War Revisited"
- WP01/2006: Sergio FABBRINI, "Constitutionalization as an Open Process"
- WP02/2005: Steven F. WHITE, "De Gasperi through American eyes"
- WP01/2005: Bruno DALLAGO, "Institutions and Entrepreneurship: A comparative Evaluation of South -Eastern Europe"
- WP03/2004: Vito TANZI and Tommaso DI TANNO, "Globalisation and Harmonisation of Tax System"
- WP02/2004: Vincent DELLA SALA, "Les Jeux Sont Fait? The State and Legalized Gambling"
- WP01/2004: Jean Paul FITOUSSI, "The International Scene and the Economic Government of Europe"
- WP02/2003: Sergio FABBRINI, "How can a market be built without a State? A Comparative Perspective on Market Building and Legal Integration in Europe"
- WP01/2003: Alberto MAJOCCHI, "Fiscal Policy Co-ordination in the European Union and the Financing of the Community Budget"