application/pdfER+conversion table_SIS(PDF | 245 KB)
application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheetER SSI 2018-2020_courses(XLSX | 17 KB)
application/pdfLinee guida compilazione LA in Esse3(PDF | 8 MB)
application/pdfSSI - istruzioni prepartenza Erasmus 2023-2024(PDF | 217 KB)

Before the departure the student must fill out by Esse3 a Learning Agreement that must include all the educational components to be carried out by the student at the Receiving Institution (in Table A) and it must contain as well the group of educational components that will be replaced in his/her degree by the Sending Institution (in Table B) upon successful completion of the study programme abroad.

The Learning Agreement must be approved by the Erasmus Departmental Coordinator (prof. Abdolmohammadi) and by the host institution.

The study plan can be changed within 30 days from the beginning of the mobility. All parties must approve the changes to the Learning Agreement.

The Learning Agreement may include:

For Master’s course students

  • exams to be taken abroad
  • thesis research activity. The student has to enclose a research project, signed by the supervisor who will have to certify his/her willingness to supervise the research activity. A second declaration certifying the willingness of a tutor at the host institution to supervise the student during his/her period of study there, is also needed.

Which exams can be taken?

  • Compulsory core curriculum courses (corsi obbligatori), optional specialised courses (corsi a scelta vincolata) - their contents must be consistent with those of the MEIS/MISS courses replaced.
  • elective courses (corsi a scelta libera) - they must be of graduate level and consistent with the MEIS/MISS study plan.
  • foreign language courses, even if they are not in the language in which the host university’s courses are taught, which will be recognised as 'libera scelta in sovrannumero' exams.

Which exams cannot be taken?

  • courses which have already been the subject of examinations at UniTrento cannot be included.
  • full 'libera scelta in sovrannumero' exams

For Doctoral students

Research activity. Doctoral students must be able to demonstrate that their research project and the study programme set out in their Learning Agreement are fully coherent.

The recognition of the credits obtained abroad can be done only after the receipt of the original version the Transcript of Records, the final certificate issued by the host University. There must be a complete coincidence between the Learning Agreement and the Transcript of Records.​

The deadline for the recognition of credits is September 30. It is the responsibility of the student to find out from their host university the time required to obtain a copy of the Transcript of Records.

Necessary conditions for the recognition of exams

On the basis of the lenght of the mobility period, students must obtain a minimum credits: 

Number of months

Number of days






from 91 to 210



from 211 to 300



from 301 to 360



An exam can be recognized if:

  • correlates to one of the courses taught at the SIS;
  • is not equivalent to a course which the student has already taken and gained credits for at the SIS;
  • is intended for postgraduate students.

Recognition of foreign language credits

Credits for language courses taken abroad can be recognized as 'Lab of foreign language' credits only if the level of the final exam taken abroad is B2. Language courses taken abroad must also be included in the Learning Agreement and the Transcript of Records.

Recognition of research done abroad (for master's degree students)

Thesis research activity will be accredited recording in the study plan the number of credits for the 'final exam' according to the MEIS/MISS Regolamento Didattico. These credits will be recorded as linked to the Erasmus program.

On their return, students must submit:

  • a note signed by a member of the academci staff at the host university certifying the research they have done abroad for their thesis;
  • a detailed report on the research they did abroad for their thesis and a note signed by the supervisor confirming that their research has been productive.  

Recognition of research done abroad (for doctoral students)

Doctoral students must find out how long it takes to obtain the Transcript of Records (signed by a member of the academic staff at their host university) certifying the research they have done abroad for their thesis and then pass this information on to the SIS Erasmus office.

On their return, doctoral students must submit:

  • a detailed report on the research they did abroad for their thesis;
  • a note signed by their supervisor confirming that their research has been productive.  This report must be written by the Head of the Doctoral School in order for students’ research to be recognized as contributing to their thesis.