SIS: A multidisciplinary Center that investigates the challenges associated with the processes of globalization and European integration
The School of International Studies organizes and supports many research activities in the field of European and international studies. These activities are predominantly characterized by a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approach.
The School of International Studies develops multidisciplinary research activities addressing the challenges associated with the processes of globalization and European integration. The complexity of modern societies implies that no single disciplinary approach is sufficient to understand the rapid social, political, economic and institutional changes currently occurring both in Europe and worldwide, therefore the activities feature predominantly a multidisciplinary approach.
Current Research projects
The School has been actively involved in a series of research projects, funded both internally and externally, augmenting the scientific activity of its group of young, qualified and dynamic researchers. Faculty members work on a number of research projects that involve colleagues from other Departments of the University of Trento and external scholars and institutions. A list of ongoing research projects is available on the page dedicated to Current research projects at SIS.
Research Clusters
Research activities at SIS revolve around four main clusters.
Human Rights
International Security
PhD Research
The development of an interdisciplinary education lies at the heart of the PhD programme. Comprehension of the theoretical approaches and knowledge of empirical methods are tightly integrated into the course and theoretical propositions are verified empirically in order to encourage the student to develop a capacity for critical thought on changes in the international system. Full details in the dedicated page.
Network of partners
The School has formed partnerships with a number of national and international research centres and think tanks as well as with other Departments and Faculties within the University of Trento. It has set up special programmes for meeting and hosting national and international scholars.
During the academic year, the School organizes a series of events. It holds a series of weekly seminars on issues relating to European and international studies, including international security, and promotes Conferences and Research Workshops. It also collaborates with other local, national and international research bodies to set up dissemination events and to promote research.