The School of International Studies contributed to organize many events directed to students and researchers, as well as the general public.
Spring Semester 2022/2023
Tuesday 21 February 2023, 14:15 - 16:00 (EURAC SIS Annual Lecture on Federalism)
Accommodating Secession within The EU Constitutional Order of States
Nikos Skoutaris - University of East Anglia, UK
Tuesday 28 February 2023, 14:15 - 16:00 (Guest Lecture - Presentation by incoming mobility scholar)
Conflicts around urban development and planning: dispute resolution from a legal lens
Ivan Medvedev - University of Trento - SIS
Tuesday 7 March 2023, 14:15 - 16:00 (Guest Lecture)
The EU and the (Geo)Politics of the Arctic
Andreas Raspotnik - The Arctic Institute, Norway
Tuesday 14 March 2023, 14:15 - 16:00 (Guest Lecture)
Authoritarian Contagion: Central Asia and the International Politics of the Pandemic
Luca Anceschi - University of Glasgow
Tuesday 21 March 2023, 14:15 - 16:00 (Guest Lecture)
Climate Extremes and Rural Livelihood in Africa
Giacomo Pallante - University of Trento - SIS
Tuesday 28 March 2023, 14:15 - 16:00 (Guest Lecture Series - GreenDealNET)
Delivering on the European Green Deal: Governing the Climate Transition beyond Emission Reductions
Sebastian Oberthür - Brussels School of Governance VUB
Tuesday 4 April 2023, 14:15 - 16:00 (Guest Lecture Series - GreenDealNET)
Seeing the Forest for the Trees? Regulating Land and Forest Uses for Net Zero
Annalisa Savaresi - University of Eastern Finland
Tuesday 18 April 2023, 14:15 - 16:00 (Guest Lecture)
Unites States and China: Competing Visions of the International Order
Matteo Dian - University of Bologna
Thursday 20 April 2023, 18:00 - 19:30 (Guest Lecture)
EU enlargement prospects for Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Western Balkan 6
Damir Kapidžić - University of Sarajevo
Thursday 27 April 2023, 17:30 - 19:00 (Guest Lecture - Presentation by Incoming Mobility Scholars)
Academic Freedom in Russia
Incoming Mobility Scholars - University of Trento
Tuesday 2 May 2023, 14:15 - 16:00 (Guest Lecture)
Governing with Limited Learning Capacity? The Question of Institutional Learning and Global Governance’s New Legitimacy Challenge
Ming-Sung Kuo - University of Warwick
Thursday 4 May 2023, 17:30 - 19:00 (Book Launch)
Populism and (Pop) Music
Manuela Caiani - Scuola Normale Superiore
Enrico Padoan - University of Siena
Tuesday 9 May 2023, 14:15 - 16:00 (Award Ceremony)
Litigating Socio-Economic Rights in Times of Resource Constraints. Lessons Learnt from the Eurozone Crisis
Giulia Ciliberto - University of Cagliari
Tuesday 16 May 2023, 14:15 - 16:00 (Guest Lecture)
“Power is an egg”: Chieftaincy as a ‘Necessary’ Institution in Modern Ghana. A reassessment
Pierluigi Valsecchi - University of Pavia
Fall Semester 2022/2023
30 September 2022 - 24 March 2023 (Series)
Webinar Series "Women in International Affairs". Biographies of remarkable women
Tuesday 8 November 2022, 14:15 - 16:00 (Guest Lecture)
The State of Agricultural Commodity Markets 2022. The geography of food and agricultural trade: Policy approaches for sustainable development
George Rapsomanikis - FAO Markets and Trade Division
Tuesday 15 November 2022, 14:15 - 16:00 (Guest Lecture)
Energy crisis: EU policy response and potential implications for the European Green Deal
Giovanni Sgaravatti - Bruegel
Tuesday 22 November 2022, 14:15 - 16:00 (Guest Lecture)
Navigating troubling waters: China’s relations with the Persian Gulf
Jacopo Scita - Policy Fellow at Bourse & Bazaar Foundation
Tuesday 6 November 2022, 14:15 - 16:00 (Guest Lecture Series - GreenDealNET)
The EU & Africa for green transition: Enhancing resilience to climate change, energy access and ensuring economic development
Duccio Maria Tenti - European Commission
Spring Semester 2021/2022
Monday 31 January 2022, 14:15 - 16:00
La partita dell'euro. Italia-Germania tra cronaca e storia
Mauro Battocchi, Ambasciatore d'Italia presso la Repubblica del Cile
Monday 7 - Tuesday 8 February 2022 (International Conference)
The Rule of Law in the European Union and the Consequencies of its Violations
Tuesday 1 March 2022, 14:15 - 16:00 (Guest Lecture)
Exploring the conflict-environment nexus: an international legal perspective on environmental peacebuilding
Daniëlla Dam-De Jong - Leiden University (The Netherlands)
Tuesday 8 Marzo 2022, 14:15 - 16:00 (Guest Lecture)
“We always have a big stick in reserve”: Punitive approaches to disorder and crime in European cities
Anna di Ronco - University of Essex
Thursday 10 March, 18:00 - 20:00 (Seminar)
SIS Talks - The War in Ukraine
Neil MacFarlane - Lester B. Pearson Professor of International Relations, University of Oxford
Sara Lorenzini - Professor of Contemporary History, University of Trento
Giuseppe Nesi - Professor of International Law, University of Trento
Alessandra Russo - Assistant Professor of Politics and International Relations, University of Trento
Tuesday 15 March 2022, 14:15 - 16:00 (Guest Lecture)
Creating Public Value in Regional Policy: Bringing citizens back in
Andreja Pegan - University of Primorska (Slovenia)
Monday 21 March 2022, 18:00 - 19:30 (Alumnus meeting)
EU back to University. A European Union initiative to share views on Europe
Emanuele Barbarossa - Legal and Policy Officer at the Council of the European Union
Tuesday 22 March 2022, 14:15 - 16:00 (Guest Lecture)
Approaches to the study of radicalisation in social sciences
Daniela Pisoiu - Austrian Institute for International Affairs
Thursday 24 March, 18:00 - 19:30 (Seminar)
SIS Talks - La guerra in Ucraina: la prospettiva europea
Luisa Antoniolli - Università di Trento
Andrea Fracasso - Università di Trento
Alessandra Russo - Università di Trento
Stefano Schiavo - Università di Trento
Tuesday 29 March 2022, 14:15 - 16:00 (Guest Lecture)
Borderlands: Europe and the Mediterranean Middle East
Raffaella Del Sarto - John Hopkins University - SAIS Europe
Tuesday 5 April 2022, 14:15 - 16:00 (Guest Lecture)
Populists in local government: the case of RN mayors in France
Timothy Peace - University of Glasgow
Thursday 7 April 2022, 16:30 - 18:00 (PhD Conference)
Roundtable on the Russian – Ukraine conflict: Security, Society, and Politics
Andrei Tarasov - PhD Candidate in International Studies, School of International Studies, University of Trento; Adriana Cuppuleri - PhD Graduate at the School of International Studies, University of Trento, and Peer-reviewed independent Researcher on Russia's foreign policy in the Post-soviet space; Francesco Magno - Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Eastern European History, School of International Studies, University of Trento.
Moderator: Ludovica di Lullo, Postdoctoral Research Fellow in International Law, School of International Studies, University of Trento.
Tuesday 12 April 2022, 14:15 - 16:00 (Targetti Lecture)
The war in Ukraine and the response of the international community: towards a new international order?
Giuseppe Nesi - Università di Trento
Recording available here
Tuesday 26 April 2022, 14:15 - 16:00 (Guest Lecture)
The Ideological Scramble for Africa: How the Pursuit of Anticolonial Modernity shaped a Postcolonial Order (1945-1966)
Frank Gerits - University of Utrecht
Tuesday 3 May 2022, 14:15 - 16:00 (Guest Lecture)
POSTEPONED - Autonomy and de-militarisation. The experience of the Åland islands
Sia Spiliopoulou Åkermark - Åland Peace Institute, director
Thursday 12 May 2022, 17:30 - 19:00
La Politica Estera dell'Italia e le Sfide del Nuovo (Dis)Ordine Internazionale
Evento, promosso dallo IAI nell’ambito della Partnership Strategica con la Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo, e in cooperazione con SSI-Università di Trento
Thursday 19 May 2022, 14:15 - 16:00 (SIS-Eurac Annual Lecture on Federalism)
A discordant dynamic: exploring federalism and individual rights
Erin Delaney - Northwestern University, Chicago, USA
Tuesday 24 May 2022, 14:15 - 16:00 (Guest Lecture)
The impact of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) on EU disability law and policies
Delia Ferri - Maynooth University, Department of Law (Kildare, Ireland)
Thursday 26 May 2022, 17:30 - 18:30 (SIS Talk)
The War in Ukraine: the return of geopolitics and challenges at the EU borders
Anna Casaglia - University of Trento
Jussi Laine - University of Eastern Finland
Tuesday 31 May 2022, 14:15 - 16:00 (Guest Lecture)
Reforming International Health Law: Towards a New Era of Pandemic Response?
Pedro A. Villarreal - Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law (Heidelberg, Germany)
Thursday 9 - Friday 10 June 2022 (Institutional Event)
Celebrating 20 years of the School of International Studies
Tuesday 14 June 2022, 14:15 - 16:00 (Guest Lecture)
Exceptionally wicked? Dilen climate actimmas ivism and their implications for understanding the distinctiveness of climate politics
Joost de Moor - Political Science at SciencesPo (CEE)
Fall Semester 2021/2022
Monday 20 September 2021, 09.30-17.00 (MISS Opening Seminar 2021)
Covid-19. Assessing impacts, foreseeing solutions
Tuesday 28 September 2021, 14:15 - 16:00 (Guest Lecture)
Digital Media, Climate Change, and Democracy
Suay Melisa Ozkula, Marie Sklodowska-Curie Research Fellow on the project Digi-EMP at SIS Trento
Tuesday 5 October 2021, 14:15 - 16:00 Book launch (in italian)
Il Regno Unito alla prova della BREXIT. Come sta cambiando il sistema politico britannico
Gianfranco Baldini (UNIBO), Edoardo Bressanelli (SSSA – Pisa) e Emanuele Massetti (UNITN)
Thursday 7 October 2021, 18:00 - 19:30 (Guest Lecture)
Dopo le elezioni e 16 anni di Angela Merkel: la Germania al bivio?
Silvia Merler (Algebris, UK), Gabriele D’Ottavio (UNITN), Jens Woelk (UNITN)
Tuesday 12 October 2021, 14:00 - 17:00
Graduate Student Conference - 36° cohort
Thursday 14 October 2021, 12:30 - 14:00 (SIS-EURAC Annual Lecture on Federalism)
State Nationalism and Territorial Accommodation: Founding Moments and their Legacies in Spain and India
Daniel Cetrà (Centre on Constitutional Change – University of Edinburgh)
Tuesday 19 October 2021, 14:15 - 16:00 (Guest Lecture)
The Role of Women in Peace Negotiations: Reflections on South Sudan
Sara Formisano, International Consultant in conflict prevention, peace building and gender
Tuesday 26 October 2021, 14:15 - 16:00 (Rotari Annual Lecture)
Green windows of opportunity for latecomer development in renewable energies
Roberta Rabellotti - Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali, Università di Pavia
Thursday 4 November 2021, 12:30 - 13:30 (Guest Lecture - Webinar in collaboration with the Department of Humanities)
China and Africa during the Pandemic: What is New?
Haifang Liu - Peking University, School of International Studies
Friday 5 November 2021, 09.30:12.30 (Research Conference in partnership with Confindustria Trento)
Fondi di investimento e imprese: nuove prospettive e investimento sostenibile in Trentino
Tuesday 16 November 2021, 14:00 - 16:00 (Guest Lecture)
What to expect from the Conference on the Future of Europe
Prof. Alberto Alemanno - Jean Monnet Professor of EU Law and Risk Regulation at Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales (HEC) Paris and Visiting Professor at the College of Europe in Bruges.
Tuesday 23 November 2021, 14:00 - 16:00 (Guest Lecture)
Teaching (In)Equality through Formal Curriculum: A closer look at the Grade 4 and 5 Social Studies Textbooks in Afghanistan.
Spogmai Akseer - International Consultant
Martedì 30 Novembre 2021, 14:00 - 16:00 (Guest Lecture)
The emperor’s new clothes: COP 26 and the climate struggle
Dr. Anneleen Kenis - Research Foundation Flanders (FWO)
Thursday 2 December 2021, 12:30 - 14:00 (Book launch)
The Impact of Populism on European Institutions and Civil Society
Discussants: Luisa Antoniolli, Carlo Ruzza (UNITN)
Tuesday 7 December 2021, 14:15 - 16:00 (Guest Lecture Series)
The exclusion of migrants and refugees from welfare programs in European host countries: a comparative perspective.
Irene Landini, School of International Studies (UNITN)
Tuesday 14 December 2021, 14:15 - 16:00 (Guest Lecture Series)
Leading change by changing leadership – campaigning to promote women’s voices and Feminist organizing
Jacqueline Hale, Brussels director of Crisis Action
Spring Semester 2019/2020
Tuesday 18 February 2020, 14:15 - 16:00 (Book Launch)
Indigenous Rights in the International Regime on Biodiversity Protection
Speaker / Discussant: Mauro Barelli, City University London
Author: Federica Cittadino, Institute for Comparative Federalism
Thursday, 31 March 2020, 14:15 - 16:00 (SIS-IAI Lecture) WEBINAR
The Future of Energy in a Changing World
Lorenzo Colantoni - Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) - Energy, Climate & Resources
Tuesday 7 April 2020, 14:15 - 16:00 (Guest Lecture Series) - NEW WEBINAR
Pandemics: from global governance to EU and national responses
Rosa Castro - Federation of European Academies of Medicine, Belgium
Tuesday 21 April 2020, 14:15 - 16:00 (Guest Lecture Series) - NEW WEBINAR
Space Races: International Law and Politics beyond the Earth
Lorenzo Gradoni - Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for Procedural Law
Tuesday 5 May 2020, 14:15 - 16:00 (Guest Lecture Series) CONFIRMED AS WEBINAR
"Gender, Development and the Exclusionary Politics of Digital Financial Inclusion"
Serena Natile - Brunel University London, UK
Tuesday 12 May 2020, 14:15 - 16:00 (Guest Lecture Series) NEW WEBINAR
The EU's response to the coronavirus
Ronny Mazzocchi - European Parliament (Belgium)
Thursday 14 May 2020, 16.00 - 18:00 (EUREGIO Lecture - joint with University of Innsbruck and Free University of Bozen-Bolzano) NEW WEBINAR
"Inclusive policies as a means to prevent crises and conflicts: Current trends and challenges in Europe"
Amb. Lamberto Zannier - OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities
Chair: Esther Happacher (University of Innsbruck)
Tuesday 26 May 2020, 14:15 - 16:00 (Guest Lecture Series) NEW WEBINAR
EU solidarity in public procurement of medicines: a 5-countries randomized survey experiment
Francesco Nicoli - Ghent University (Belgium)
Tuesday 16 June 2020 - Workshop / Webinar
Democracy in the Construction of Europe: achievements, constraints, and limits, 1992-2019
Piers N. Ludlow - London School of Economics, Daniele Pasquinucci - University of Siena, Benedetto Zaccaria - EUI and Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, Francesco Nicoli - Ghent University, Lukáš Hamřík - Masaryk University, Brno
Tuesday 23 June 2020, 14:15 - 16:00 (Guest Lecture Series) NEW WEBINAR
Respecting human rights in a health emergency and beyond
Dunja Mijatović - Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe
Thursday 25 June 2020, 16:00 - 18:30 (Joint Seminar) NEW WEBINAR
Filosofia, Politica e Pandemia
Joint Seminar organised by the Società Italiana di Filosofia Politica (SIFP)
Fall Semester 2019/2020
Monday 16 September 2019 (Opening Seminar for the MISS Master's Degree a. y. 2019-2020)
Research day on “Causes of conflict and international security implications”
Jointly convened with the School of Advanced Studies, Pisa
Monday 16 through Friday 20, September 2019 (Academic and professional workshops)
The MISS Workshops on Applied Security
W1: “Humanitarian intervention in complex crisis: A frontline humanitarian organization’s experience”. Marcelo Garcia Dalla Costa e Francesca Matarazzi, INTERSOS
W2: “Humanitarian access in unstable and violent context: the case of Yemen”, Fabrizio Cavalazzi e Davide Berruti, INTERSOS
W3: “Introduction to International Investment Arbitration”, Sondra Faccio, SIS
Friday 20 September 2019, 10:00 - 17:30 (EUREGIO) Workshop
"EU sanctions against the Russian Federation and the Islamic Republic of Iran in a comparative perspective"
Tuesday 1 October 2019, 14:15 - 16:00 (Guest Lecture Series)
"Uniting Europe to Unite the World"? The EU and the Promotion of Regionalism in Hard Times"
Giovanni Finizio - University of Torino; Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero, Buenos Aires
Tuesday 8 October 2019
SIS PhD Graduate Student Conference
Tuesday 22 October 2019, 14:15 - 16:00 (Rotari Annual Lecture, sponsored by Rotari)
“The crisis of the international liberal order and the responsibilities of the European Union”
Nelli Feroci, IAI President
The Lecture will be followed by Rotari Master's Thesis Award Ceremony
Friday 25 October 2019, 15.00 - 20.00 (Academic and professional workshop)
Afternoon session (15.00 – 17.00) Humanitarian Intervention: an Interdisciplinary Focus
Evening session (18.00 - 20.00) Iraq Oggi: Prospettive dal Terreno
Thursday 31 October 2019; 18:00 - 19:45 (Guest Lecture Series)
"The New Cold War in the Middle East"
Fawaz Gerges - London School of Economics and Political Science, UK
Tuesday 5 November 2019, 14:15 - 16:00 (Research Dialogue)
“Assessing ‘break-up’ processes in Spain and beyond.”
Paolo Cossarini (SIS) - “(Post-)referendum politics. Discourses in Catalonia and Brexit Britain compared”
Emanuele Massetti (SIS) - “Independence in Europe’ seen from EU institutions: The cases of Scotland and Catalonia”
Tuesday 12 November 2019, 14:15 - 16:00 (Practitioner Talks)
"Working for the International Committee of the Red Cross. The role of delegates."
Alice Gadler - International Committee of the Red Cross
Tuesday 19 November 2019, 12:15 - 13:30 (Practitioner Talks)
"EU and you: find your place in Europe"
Alessandro Mattiato - Civil-Military Assistant, DG ECHO European Commission
Tuesday 26 November 2019, 14:15 - 16:00 (Guest Lecture Series)
International Development: A Postwar History
Corinna R: Unger - European University Institute
Monday 2 - Tuesday 3 December 2019 (International Research Workshop)
"The Impact of Populism on European Institutions and Civil Society. Discourses, Practices, and Policies"
International Conference
SGRI 2019 Conference "Global Politics in the Era of Disruptive Technologies. New Scenarios in an Old World?"
"La Società del Genere Umano. XI Seminario di studi sulla storia dei concetti teologico-politici"
International Research Workshop
"Belt and Road Initiative e la Strategia Globale della Cina nel XXI secolo"
III Year Doctoral Students presentations
Isabella OLDANI, Giulia SCIORATI, Vincenzo TUDISCO
Research Seminar
"American Images of China and Chinese Images of America, 1919 to 2019"
Jeffrey N. Wasserstrom - University of California Irvin
III Year Doctoral Students presentations
Bleta BROVINA , Maria Cecilia DEL BARRIO ARLEO, Iotam Andrea LERER
SIS-EURAC Annual Lecture
"Territorial Governance and Decentralisation: Comparative Insights from Southeast Asia"
Andrew Harding, Center for Asian Legal Studies, National University of Singapore
EUREGIO Workshop
Trento-Innsbruck European Research Seminars on European Integration (TIERS)
Seminario PRIN
Riflessioni sulla recente evoluzione dell'etnoregionalismo in Europa"
Michel Huysseune, Vrije Universiteit, Bruxelles
Guest Lecture Series
"The state of Agricultural Commodity Markets 2018"
Clarissa Roncato Baldin, FAO
Guest Lecture Series
"ISIS: From Extremism to Deradicalization"
Mitchell Belfer, Šárka Kolmašová, Metropolitan University
Guest Lecture Series
"Politics and Diplomacy between Past and Present: An Introduction to the Treatises on the Ambassador (13th-17th centuries)"
Dante Fedele, KU Leuven, Université d'Artois
Guest Lecture Series
"Centrality measures to identify leaders in criminal networks"
Rosanna Grassi, University of Milano-Bicocca
"A Day for Europe. In memory of Antonio Megalizzi"
Guest Lecture Series
"Attitudinal and Political Consequences of Terrorism in Europe"
Vincenzo Bove, Warwick University
Guest Lecture Series
"The Iranian revolution of 1979 and the Islamic Republic Model"
Pejman Abdolmohammadi, School of International Studies
Guest Lecture Series
"What economics has to say about populism"
Federico Boffa, Free University of Bolzano
Guest Lecture Series
Technological Politics and EU Border Security: An Inquiry into the Ontology and Agency of Large-Scale Surveillance Systems
Georgios Glouftsios, School of International Studies
EUREGIO Workshop
Trento-Innsbruck European Research Seminars on European Integration (TIERS)
Learning Policy Advice
Giulio Venneri
Targetti Lecture Series
Conflict prevention through societal integration...
Lamberto Zannier, OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities
Orizzonti Internazionali
Brexit: Quali Scenari per l'Europa?
Practitioners Talks
The European Security and Defence Policy. State of Play
Giorgio Porzio, Senior Policy Adviser Civilian Planning and Conduct Capability European External Action Service
Practitioners Talks
Giulia Battistella, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Staff Development Officer – Emergency Management
SIS/IAI Lecture on International Affairs
A Regional Actor in search of Global Reach: the EU's Strategy on Foreign and Security Policy
Nicoletta Pirozzi, Head of EU Programme, Istituto Affari Internazionali, Rome
Orizzonti Internazionali
Un banco di prova per l'amministrazione Trump - Le elezioni di midterm e il loro significato
Investimenti diretti esteri nei Paesi dell'America Latina: gli strumenti di tutela offerti dal diritto internazionale
Practitioners Talks
Governments and Governance: Orchestrating the Complexity of Cybersecurity
Andrea Rigoni - Deloitte – Equity Partner Head of EMEA Public Sector
International Career Series
Lorenzo Livraghi, Account Executive Hume Brophy – Brussels
Advisory Committee
Advisory Committee on SIS Programmes
Guest Lecture Series
Investing in disputed territories. The Application of BITs in Crimea and other cases
Sondra Faccio, School of International Studies
International Career Series
Disarming Opponents. On the Road to Rebuilding Peace
Zenaide Gatelli
International Career Series
Solidarity in the front-line. Responding to emergencies, rebuilding lives
Davide Berruti, Pool Manager INTERSOS
Research Workshop
Global Perspectives on Fair and Equitable Benefit-sharing
Research Seminar
Cent'Anni di Solitudine? L'Organizzazione Internazionale del Lavoro 1919-2019
Marco Pertile (Università di Trento) e Valerio De Stefano (Università di Lovanio)
Guest Lecture Series
Extractive Institutions: A Little Goes a Long Way. Evidence from the Soviet Occupation of Austria
Martin Halla, University of Linz, Austria
Research Workshop
Human Rights, Basic Needs and the Quest for Equality in a Globalizing World
SAMUEL MOYN – Department of History, Yale University
Festival "Siamo Europa"
5 Sguardi sull'Europa
Book presentation
The Law & Politics of Brexit
Orizzonti Internazionali
La guerra commerciale tra Stati Uniti e Cina
Federalism in the making. Federalism in de-making.
Francesco Palermo, Director, Institute for Comparative Federalism, EURAC Research, Bolzano
Guest Lecture Series
Current challenges in Transitional Justice. A comparative perspective.
Elena Maculan, Instituto Universitario Gutiérrez Mellado (UNED), Madrid
Orizzonti Internazionali
Putin nuovo Zar? La Russia dopo le elezioni
Simone Attilio Bellezza - Università Federico II, Napoli; Fernando Orlandi - Biblioteca Archivio del CSSEO, Centro Studi sulla Storia dell'Europa Orientale, Levico Terme; Sara Lorenzini, Scuola di Studi Internazionali, UniTrento
Book presentation
"Un Parlamento per l'Europa"
Umberto Tulli
Book Presentation
Africa: Un continente conteso
Guest Lecture Series
Secessionist claims in the European Union: the role of institutional incentives
Emanuele Massetti University of Surrey, United Kingdom
Presentazione Rapporto ISPI 2018
Sempre più un gioco per grandi. E l'Europa?
Armando Sanguini - già Ambasciatore in Arabia Saudita e Tunisia e Senior Advisor, ISPI, Ugo Tramballi - Senior Advisor, ISPI e Senior Correspondent, Il Sole 24 Ore
Guest Lecture Series
Micro-dynamics of conflict: explaining spatial variation of violence in civil wars
Kaisa Hinkkainen, School of Politics and International Studies, University of Leeds, UK
Career Fair
Career Fair - School of International Studies
Guest Lecture Series
Introducing an energy transition
Massimo Nicolazzi, University of Turin
Orizzonti Internazionali
International Career Series
Disarming Enemies, Restoring Peace
Zenaide Gatelli, Head of the DDR Section United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM)
SIS-CEPS Annual Lecture
The humanitarian-development-peace nexus: lessons from the Sahel and the Lake Chad Basin
Giovanni Faleg, Associate Research Fellow, Centre for European Policy Studies
Research Workshop
Il Contrasto alla Corruzione e la Tutela del Whistleblowing
SIS-IAI Lecture on International Affairs
Challenges for Europe's future: Economy, Defence, Migration
Ferdinando Nelli Feroci, President Istituto Affari Internazionali
Guest Lecture Series
The Redistributive Impact of Restrictive Measures on EU Members: Winners and Losers from Imposing Sanctions on Russia
Francesco Giumelli, Department of International Relations and International Organization (IRIO) University of Groningen, The Netherlands
International Career Series
An overview of the un: field activities and employment opportunities
Fabio Graziosi, United Nations Regional Information Office for Western Europe (UNRIC)
International Career Series
A hands-on insight into a career in international organizations
Daniele Pancheri, Special Assistant to the Head of Mission, EULEX Kosovo, Pristina
Guest Lecture Series
Economic particularism in Hungary and in CEE countries and EU law
Monika Papp, Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Faculty of Law, ELTE, Budapest
Conference "Highs and Lows of European Integration - 60 Years after the Treaty of Rome"
Guest Lecture Series
Storytelling in conflict zones. Risks and security
Giampaolo Musumeci, Filmaker, Journalist, Author
Orizzonti internazionali
Un'Europa per cento piccole patrie? Il caso catalano
Guest Lecture Series
Russia, Turkey and China as EU competitors in the Balkan
Jovan Teokarević, Faculty of Political Science, University of Belgrade, Serbia
Guest Lecture Series
Visegrad Countries and EU Politics: Issues and Challenges
Běla Plechanovová, Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University, Prague
SIS/EURAC Annual Lecture on Federalism
Post-Brexit developments from the perspective of the UK's internal territorial arrangements
Dr. Asanga Welikala, Lecturer in Public Law at the School of Law, University of Edinburgh, and the Acting Director of the Edinburgh Centre for Constitutional Law
Sen. Francesco Palermo, Professor in Comparative Public Law, University of Verona; Head, Institute for Comparative Federalism, EURAC Research Bolzano/Bozen
Practicing what is preached? Monitoring the rule of law in EU Enlargement countries
Orizzonti internazionali
Germania al voto: Analisi e Prospettive
International Career Series
Preparing for a career in International Organizations: how to submit a meaningful application to the JPO Programme
Gherardo Casini, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affair (UNDESA), Head of Office - Rome
Research Workshop
Markups and Misallocations
Serie "Orizzonti Internazionali. Dialoghi su Attualità e Affari Internazionali"
"Colombia: dall'Accordo alla Pace"
Guest Lecture Series
Your vote is (no) secret! How the size of poll stations affects elections in Italy
Mauro Caselli - School of International Studies, Trento
PhD Student Presentation
Presentations by 3rd year PhD students in International Studies
30th cohort
SIS/IAI Lecture
Relaunching European Integration in High Politics: New Threats and Joint Responses
Vincenzo Camporini, Vice President, Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI), Rome
Guest Lecture Series
Introducing Situational Approach to Analyzing Grand Strategy: China's Four Encounters with Liberal International Order
Tomáš Karásek, Department of Security Studies, Institute of Political Studies Charles University, Czech Republic
Presentation of Final Thesis or Seminar Papers
Cross-Border Interdisciplinary Workshops on EU Integration
PhD Student Presentation
Presentations by 3rd year PhD students in International Studies
30th cohort
International Career Series
Career opportunities within the European institutions: EPSO selection procedures and Blue Book
Paola Bocchia, Communication Assistant, European Commission in Italy
International Career Series
Peacebuilding after conflict. The experience of a former UniTrento student on the main front lines
Luca Costa, International Civil Servant
Guest Lecture Series
German Economic Models and European Imbalances
Hans-Michael Trautwein, Director of ZenTra, Center for Transnational Studies at the Universities of Bremen and Oldenburg
The United States and the World. A Historical Perspective
Net-2016 - III International Workshop
America's First Pacific President? U.S. - European relations under Barack Obama
Mario Del Pero Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris- SciencesPo
Cross-Border Interdisciplinary Workshops on EU Integration
"European Nationalisms" - André Lécours
André Lécours, School of Political Studies, University of Ottawa
Cross-Border Interdisciplinary Workshops
Guest Lecture Series
Post-Plebiscite Reflections on the Peace Process in Colombia
Manuel Galvis Martinez, Doctoral Candidate in International Studies, School of International Studies
Policy Advice Training
Giulio Venneri, Policy Officer at the Enlargement Directorate of the European Commission
Guest Lecture Series
Looking at intra-EU migration: the role of institutions and immigrants' skills recognition
Silvia Migali, Post-Doctoral Researcher, FernUniversität in Hagen
Guest Lecture Series
Euro area at the crossroads: economic governance, risk-sharing and fiscal capacity
Cinzia Alcidi, Senior Fellow & Head of Economic Policy Unit, CEPS, Bruxelles
Preparing for a career an international organisation
Democratizing Europe or containing the European Parliament?
Umberto Tulli, Post-doctoral Fellow, Department of Humanities University of Trento
Political, Legal and Economic Dimensions of Populism
Methods for the Evaluation of Public Policies
Dr. Maria Rita Pierleoni, Italian Government - Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri
International Career Studies
Careers in Boeing: Building knowledge and expertise for the future
Agnese Bennati, HR Recruitment Coordinator
International Career Series
Solidarity in the front-line. Responding to emergencies, rebuilding lives.
Alda Cappelletti, INTERSOS Emergency Coordinator
Lectio Magistralis
Official Opening of the MISS
Romano Prodi
European Summer School on Cold War History
Sara Lorenzini (Università di Trento); Kaeten Mistry (University of East Anglia); Piers Ludlow (LSE); Leopoldo Nuti (Università Roma Tre); Mario Del Pero (Sciences Po); Silvio Pons (Università di Roma Tor Vergata); Oliver Rathkolb (Universität Wien); Federico Romero (EUI); Antonio Varsori (Università di Padova); Vladislav Zubok (LSE)
"Manufacturing Firms in China"
Official Opening of the MISS: Lectio Magistralis - Romano Prodi
Guest Lecture Series
The Law, Politics and Economics of Brexit
Prof. Damian Chalmers, London School of Economics and Political Science
Guest Lecture Series
The Peace Process in Colombia: Negotiating Agrarian Reform
Prof Jorge Esquirol, Florida International University (FIU) and Fullbright Professor at the Faculty of Law, Trento
Presentation of the Two-Year Master's Degree in International Security Studies (MISS)
International Career Studies
Lavorare per i Rifugiati. Il supporto e l'assistenza legale.
Angela Tognini, Operatrice legale Centro Astalli, Trento
From 'Peaceland' to the Italian White Paper on Defence
Official Launch of the NEW Master's Degree MISS
Preparing the Way Forward
Guest Lecture Series
Future Perfect: Measuring the Rule of Law and Access to Justice in the Agenda for Sustainable Development
Julinda Beqiraj, Associate Senior Research Fellow Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law BIICL
Guest Lecture Series
Syria: internal dynamics and the international scenario
Gianluca Parolin, Associate Professor, Law in Muslim Contexts, Institute for the Study of Muslim Civilizations, The Aga Khan University, London
Targetti Lecture Series on European Integration and Globalization
Partiti al mondo come soldati
Guest Lecture Series
Jihadist Terrorism and International Politics
Filippo Andreatta, School of International Studies and University of Bologna
International Career Series
A hands-on insight into a career in international organizations
Daniele Pancheri, Special Assistant to the Head of Mission, EULEX Kosovo, Pristina
International Career Studies
Export promotion policies in action
Marco Saladini, Senior Officer, ICE - Italian Trade Agency
Guest Lecture Series
Europe’s Great Divide. A geo-economic-political map
Roberto Tamborini, Department of Economics and Management, University of Trento
Project Management. Best practices for innovation and research
Carla Jemma - University of Pavia
Guest Lecture Series
From eventful politics to political events: Catalan nationalism from the 2006 Statute to the 2010 Constitutional Court decision
Karlo Basta, Department of Political Science, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada
Roundtable "Integrazione tra Diritto e Parola"
Lectio Magistralis - professor Mireille Delmas Marty
Mireille Delmas Marty Membre de l’Institut de France et Professeur honoraire au Collège de France
Failing Institutions. Individual behavior and the quality of institutions
Book Presentation
Anti-Party Parties in Germany and Italy. Protest Movements and Parliamentary Democracy
Andrea De Petris, Giustino Fortunato University, Benevento
Guest Lecture Series
The European and International Legal Responses to the Terrorist Attacks in Paris
Antonino Alì, Faculty of Law and School of International Studies, University of Trento
Intercultural Language Teaching/Learning
Guest Lecture Series
State-Building in Kosovo: Democracy, Corruption and the EU
Jovan Teokarević, Faculty of Political Science, University of Belgrade, Serbia e Andrea Capussela, Former Head of Unit, Internat. Civilian Office, Kosovo
2015 Graduate Student Conference
Ecomigrazioni e disastri naturali tra diritti delle persone e diritti della natura
International Career Series
Workshop: Career Support Consultancy Programme
International Career Series
Working at the International Level. Opportunities at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Luca Nicodemo, HR Specialist, IAEA Vienna
Global food security
International Career Series
Preparing for a Career in International Organizations: How to submit a meaningful application to the JPO Programme
Gherardo Casini, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affair (UNDESA), Head of Office – Rome
Walking with Serendipity on the shoulders of Giants
Guest Lecture Series
How are Protocol and Diplomacy facing the new challenges of today's world?
Guest Lecture Series
An overview of the political history of the Horn of Africa. From pre-colonial time to the growing role of Igad
Marco Bassi, Department of Sociology and Social Research, Trento
Frontiers of Research at SIS
Orizzonti internazionali
Incontro sui Negoziati di Pace in Colombia
Jairo Taborda, Docente Universitá del Norte (Barranquilla), Direttore Elacid (Università di Cartagena de Indias)
International Career Series
United Nations Peacekeeping: Contexts and Prospects. An Overview of UN Careers.
Fabio Graziosi, Information Officer - United Nations Regional Information Centre (UNRIC)
Complex Diversity: EU Mobility and Integration Challenges in times of crisis
Orizzonti internazionali
Il Diritto del Lavoro ai tempi del Jobs Act
Democracy and economic growth: comparative perspectives
Giuseppe Vittucci Marzetti, Department of Sociology and Social Research University of Milano-Bicocca
Orizzonti Internazionali
Crisi greca: cause e possibili vie di uscita
Il Caspio: Sicurezza, Conflitti e Risorse Energetiche
Marco Valigi, Docente di Studi Strategici presso l’Università di Roma Tre e Luisa Chiodi, Direttrice dell'Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso
Making an International Careers. Which way from here? Conversation with Filippo Grandi
Filippo Grandi - former Commissioner-General of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA).
Guest Lecture Series
Ideologia e politica nell'Islam. Fra utopia e prassi.
Massimo Campanini
BIT Seminars
Adaptation of the Domestic Institutional System: Italian Regions and Austrian Länder
Esther Happacher, Faculty of Law, University of Innsbruck
Guest Lecture Series
Nutrition interventions in the developing world: a cultural approach
Monique Centrone, Visiting Scholar, Department of Sociology and Social Research, Trento
International Career Days
A Career in International Security: from the OSCE to fighting chemical weapons
Valeria Santori, Former Special Adviser to the Director-General of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW)
Guest Lecture Series
The Caliph and God's Law - (Shari'a as a Recruitment Strategy)
Prof. Gianluca Parolin, Assistant Professor, The American University in Cairo
Lectio Magistralis "Teaching and Practising Human Rights: A Learning Experience " - Prof. Mauro Politi
Prof. Mauro Politi, United Nations Human Rights Committee
Still the Century of Overkill? Strengthening the Control of Weapons of Mass Destruction
Carlo Trezza, Outgoing Chairman of the Missile Technology Control Regime, former Permanent Representative of Italy in Geneva, Chairman of the UN Secretary General’s Advisory Board on disarmament affairs in Geneva and New York, Chairman of the Conference on Disarmament, and Italy’s Special Envoy for Disarmament and Non-Proliferation
Expanding the political sphere: the role of civil society organisations within EU agencies and impact assessment practices
Dr. Pauline Cullen, Department of Sociology, National University of Ireland, Dr. Emanuela Bozzini, Department of Sociology, University of Trento
BIT Seminars
Developing the Periphery: Euroregions as transnational policy spaces?
Dr. Alice Engl, European Academy of Bozen/Bolzano (EURAC)
In search of a sustainable solution to the crisis: the reform agenda at national and European level
Careers Day and Official Launch of the School of International Studies Alumni Network (SISAN)
International Career Series
International Cooperation in Trentino: Actors, Approaches, Prospects
Paola Delrio, Autonomous Province of Trento (PAT), Department for Emigration and International Solidarity
International Career Series
Working for a Think Tank: Security and Defence Research Opportunities at the IAI
Paola Tessari, Junior Researcher, Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI), Rome
27/11/2014 A Website on the Italian Practice on International Law
Guest Lecture Series
Discussing the Ukrainian Crisis
Guest Lecture Series
On Altering of the 'Regional Rhetoric' in post-1989 Croatian Cultural Discourses
Ivana Trkulja - Associate Researcher, Centre for Advanced Study Sofia (CAS)
Judges, Law and War: The judicial development of International Humanitarian Law.
Shane Darcy, Lecturer at the Irish Centre for Human Rights, National University of Ireland, Galway
Conventional Wisdoms Under Challenge: Reviewing the EU’s Democratic Deficit in Times of Crisis
Prof. Sonja Puntscher Riekmann, Centre of European Union Studies, University of Salzburg
Orizzonti internazionali
La sfida dello Stato Islamico (IS): Siria - Iraq - ...
International Career Series
Preparing for a Career in International Organizations: how to submit a meaningful application to the JPO programme
Gherardo Casini, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affair (UNDESA), Head of Office - Rome
New Rules for the Financial Sector: the European Banking Union
Prof. Stefania Baroncelli, Free University of Bolzano
The Future of the EU between Integration or Disintegration?
Dr. Annegret Eppler, Institute for Political Science, University of Innsbruck
International Career Series
Careers in Boeing: Building Knowledge, Innovation and Expertise for the Future
Rachele Donati, The Boeing Company, HR Staffing Specialist
Il referendum del 18 settembre 2014 sull'indipendenza della Scozia
Sixth Annual European Summer School on Cold War History
Da Confucio a Mao. Continuità e Cambiamento nel Pensiero Militare cinese
New Directions in the Study of Africa's Development 'Models'
Elsje Fourie, Lecturer of Globalisation and Development Studies in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (Maastricht University)