SIS Faculty Members are listed below, together with their areas of interest.

For Phd Students, Post-doc Fellows, and Visiting Scholars, please refer to the links in the left column navigation menu.

The most recent publications by Faculty members and researchers at the SIS are available here.

SIS Faculty members

  Research interests Main Discipline
Pejman ABDOLMOHAMMADI International Relations of Middle East, Political Islam, History and Politics of Iran, Democratisation and Security in Middle East History
Antonino ALI' EU Law, Interaction between EU Law and International Law, Protection of Human Rights in Europe, EU Counter-Terrorism Law Law
Luisa ANTONIOLLI Comparative Law, EU Law, Private Law Law
Stefano BENATI Voting Games, Cluster Analysis, Decision Science Quantitative Methods
Luigi BONATTI Growth Theory and Theory of Sustainable Development, Macroeconomics and International Economics, Rationality and Public Choices Economics
Matteo BORZAGA International, European and Comparative Labour and Social Law Law
Manuela BRAGAGNOLO History of Political Thought, Intellectual History, History of Knowledge, Legal History History of Political Doctrines
Anna CASAGLIA Political and Economic Geography, Border Studies and Bordering Processes, Urban Geography Political Geography
Mauro CASELLI International Economics, Development Economics Economics
Sondra FACCIO International Investment Law; Public International Law; International Economic Law; International Arbitration Law
Michela FACCIOLI Environmental Economics, Economic Valuation of the Environment, Environmental Policy Economics
Paolo FORADORI International Politics, International Security, Non-proliferation Political science
Andrea FRACASSO International Economics, European Economic Integration, Chinese Economy, TFP externalities Economics
Georgios GLOUFTSIOS Critical Security Studies, International Political Sociology, Science and Technology Studies, Surveillance and Policing, Borders and Migration, Data Politics Political Sociology
Sofia GRAZIANI History, culture and politics of modern and contemporary China, Chinese Communist Party's management of youth, China-Italy relations, China's international relations and soft power strategy History
Bilgehan KARABAY International Trade; Economic Development Economics
Sara LORENZINI International History, Contemporary European History, Development Aid History

European and Comparative Politics, Political Parties, Ethno-territorial Politics, Federalism and Devolution, Populism

Political science
Giuseppe NESI International Law, Law of International Institutions; International Human Rights Law
Michele NICOLETTI International Political Theory, Ethics, Religions and International Politics Political Philosophy
Stefano PALESTINI International Relations Theory, Democratization and Autocratization, Comparative Transnational and Regional Governance, Latin American and Inter-American Politics Political science
Giacomo PALLANTE Environmental Economics, Global Environmental Governance, Development Economics Economics
Louisa PARKS Transnational Social Movements, Civil Society, European Union Politics, European Parliament, Global Environmental Politics, Political Ecology. Sociology
Marco PERTILE The Law of Armed Conflicts, International Law and Natural Resources, Human Rights Protection Law
Catherine RILEY CLIL, Language Teaching and Learning, Translation Studies, Children's Literature, Quality Assurance, the International Classroom English language
Paolo ROSA Foreign Policy Analysis, Italy's Foreign and Military Behaviour, Chinese Politics, Strategic Cultures, Non-proliferation, Quantitative Analysis of Conflicts, Peace Research Political science
Alessandra RUSSO International Relations; Security Studies; Comparative Regionalism (the role of international and regional organisations in the former Soviet area); EU External Relations Political science
Stefano SCHIAVO International Economics, Network Analysis Economics
Umberto TULLI European Integration History, U.S. Diplomatic History, Human Rights History, Transatlantic relations History
Jens WOELK Comparative Constitutional Law, Federalism/Regionalism, Minority-protection, Constitutional Issues of EU Integration, Constitutional Transitions in South Eastern Europe Law

Faculty members, students' and PhD candidates' representatives and post-doc fellows' representative are members of the Center's Board.