The project studies the framework regulating arms transfers, in a view of enhancing the capacity of states, corporations and the society to detect and reduce threats to peace, human rights and the environment.
UniTrento will focus on three topics:
- the concept of neutrality with reference to the issue of arms supply to belligerents, in light of current practice;
- the relationship between states and corporations and its impact on states' responsibility under the law of neutrality;
- the impact of international and domestic law norms on arms trade on international investment law and arbitration.
UniTrento will collect a number of relevant "case studies" to test the legal framework on arms transfer and neutrality against the background of actual practice and elaborate tailor-made proposals.
Research Team
- Sondra Faccio (PI) - University of Trento
- Marco Pertile - University of Trento
- Giulia Cagol - University of trento
- Filomena Medea Tulli - University of Trento
Institutions involved in the Project
- University of Trento (Sondra Faccio e Marco Pertile)
- University of Milan "Statale" (Angelica Bonfante)
- University of Bologna "Alma Mater" (Gian Maria Farnelli)
- National Research Council (Marco Fasciglione).
European Union – Next Generation EU, in the framework of PRIN 2022 PNRR Call, project “Arms, Peace and Sustainability (ArPeSu)" (P20223XFXK) - CUPE53D23021150001.