Rome, 17-19 September 2015
Roma Tre, Università Roma Tor Vergata
The partner institutions of the European Summer School on Cold War History are jointly convening the Seventh edition of the school at the Università Roma Tre and Università Roma Tor Vergata, 17-19 September 2015.
The Summer School is a unique conference specifically for PhD students and early career researchers to discuss the effects of the Cold War in the fields of politics, culture, and diplomacy, to name only a few.
The School consists of workshops and panel sessions focused on submitted research papers, debates on historiographical and methodology, as well as practical sessions on publishing and academic careers. The school offers an informal atmosphere in which new ideas and research directions can be shared and debated, be it in panel sessions, or over coffee and meals.
The school has a very high student to faculty ratio (2:1) allowing participants to have in depth discussions about their research with established scholars in the field. The faculty includes prominent scholars, among others:
PhD students and early career researchers (no more than 3 years from PhD completion) are invited to submit proposals. We encourage submissions on any aspect of the Cold War, broadly defined. Of particular interest are papers that make use of newly available primary sources and innovative methodologies.
The call for papers closes 30 April 2015. For information on how to apply please visit the school website.