Università di Trento, LSE IDEAS-Cold War Studies Programme, European University Institute, Istituto Italiano di Scienze Umane (SUM), Sciences Po and the University of East Anglia are jointly convening the Sixth Annual European Summer School on Cold War History at the Università di Trento, 4-6 September 2014.
The Summer School is a unique conference specifically for PhD students and early career researchers to discuss the effects of the Cold War in the fields of politics, culture, and diplomacy, to name only a few.
The School consists of workshops and panel sessions focused on submitted research papers, debates on historiographical and methodology, as well as practical sessions on publishing and academic careers. The school offers an informal atmosphere in which new ideas and research directions can be shared and debated, be it in panel sessions, or over coffee and meals.
The School has a very high student to faculty ratio (2:1) allowing participants to have in depth discussions about their research with established scholars in the field. The faculty includes prominent scholars, among others:
- Tanya Harmer (LSE)
- Sara Lorenzini (Schol of International Studies, Università di Trento)
- Piers Ludlow (LSE)
- Kaeten Mistry (University of East Anglia)
- Leopoldo Nuti (Università Roma Tre)
- Mario Del Pero (Sciences Po)
- Silvio Pons (Università di Roma Tor Vergata)
- Svetozar Rajak (LSE)
- Oliver Rathkolb (Universität Wien)
- Federico Romero (EUI)
- Antonio Varsori (Università di Padova)
- Arne Westad (LSE)
- Vladislav Zubok (LSE)
The Summer School was initiated by the Cold War Studies Programme at the London School of Economics (LSE), based on the model of the Annual Graduate Student conference run by the LSE, George Washington University and the University of California-Santa Barbara.
The European Summer School on Cold War History is currently one of the most important forums at which young academics in the field of cold war studies can present their work. It is intended principally for PhD students and recent PhD graduates and is structured around a series of workshops in each of which research papers on related themes are discussed.
The Summer School also offers participants the chance to discuss their work in a relaxed atmosphere, both in the workshops and in less formal sessions, designed to function as tutorials.
Via Ponte Alto, 26 (Loc. Cognola)
I-38121 TRENTO (TN)
Tel.: 0039 0461 986220
Fax: 0039 0461 986361
Villa Madruzzo
- Admitted Students
o Only students who received the notification of “accepted proposal” can apply as “Admitted Students”
o Admitted students will provide for their own travelling expenses to and from Trento
o Admitted students’ registration fee is set to € 200,00
o The fee includes accommodation, coffee breaks, lunches and dinners at Villa Madruzzo starting Wednesday September 3, till Saturday September 6, 2014. Early arrival, please contact Simone.Bellezza [at] lett.unitn.it (dott. Bellezza) as soon as possible to evaluate possible special arrangements ·
- Attendees
o Attendees may join the Summer School as listening participants
o They will provide for their own travelling expenses to and from Trento
o If accommodation is needed, please contact the B&B Ponte Alto (tel no. +39 0461 810753) at the special UniTN rate; booking should be done not later than 02/08/2014
o Registration fee is set to € 35,00 per each day (the fee includes coffee breaks and lunches at Villa Madruzzo)
- UniTN Doctoral students
o Doctoral students from UniTN may attend the Summer School as listening participants
o Doctoral students from UniTN are NOT required to pay any fee, but the online system registration procedure is mandatory in order to attend the Conference (coffee breaks and lunches at Villa Madruzzo are included)
- Doctoral students (not from UniTN)
o Doctoral students NOT from UniTN may attend the Summer School as listening participants
o They will provide for their own travelling expenses to and from Trento
o If accomodation is needed, please contact the B&B Ponte Alto (tel no. +39 0461 810753) at the special UniTN rate; booking should be done not later than 31/07/2014
o Registration fee is set to € 35,00 per each day (the fee includes coffee breakes and lunches at Villa Madruzzo
- Registration procedure
o Registration is mandatory for all participants in order to be able to attend the Conference
1)Admitted Student
2) Attendee or Non-UniTN Doctoral students
3) UniTN Doctoral students
o To register for the Conference, please follow this link
o Fill up the online form
o Choose your status correctly - 1)Admitted Student; 2) Attendee or Non-UniTN PhD; 3) UniTN PhD
o Pay the fee (except UniTN Doctoral students) ; payment can be done by bank transfer or by credit card. Follow instructions in the online form
o Once completed all steps, please remember to click the “FINALIZE” button to correctly finalize your online application (an email receipt with all data will be sent to you immediately after finishing the procedure)
o Registration deadline 20/08/2014
o if you have any questions regarding the registration, please contact comunicazione-citta [at] unitn.it
- Scholarships
o This year two scholarships, up to € 500,00 each, will be offered to cover travel costs to students who presented outstanding papers
o The School Faculty will select the two outstanding Papers by the end of the Conference
o Winners will be notified promptly