The economic and financial crisis that has hit economies around the world in the last few years has pointed out an overall lack of tools to properly address market turbulence at European level. Against this background, default risks and fears of contagion throughout Europe urged EU Member States to set up effective mechanisms to cope with single national vulnerabilities. This happened mostly through the conclusion of international agreements outside the EU Treaties framework. Such an approach gives rise to a number of sound legal questions, not only as to the limits of the current normative framework, but also as to the relationship between the instruments put in place and the Treaties system. It also stimulates further reflection on the current and future role of the Union in economic governance and the possible evolution of the relevant normative framework. The overall purpose of the research project is thus to investigate the causes that led to an intergovernmental approach to crisis management by EU Member States, assess its impact on the EU legal system and discuss its possible future developments. This research is part of a wider multidisciplinary project.
Leading team
Antonino Alì, Giorgio Guido Fodor, Marco Pertile
Post-doc Fellow
Chiara Sisler (until Mach 2016)
Recent publications relevant to the project
- Sisler C., "Intergovernmentalism and the Reinforcement of the Economic Governance in the European Union: the Fiscal Compact", in SIS Working Papers WP02/2016.
- Sisler C., “The Impact of Intergovernmentalism in Crisis Management on the EU Treaties Framework: the Watering Down of the No-Bailout Clause”, in SIS Working Papers, WP01/2016.
- Sisler C., “The Revision of the European Financial Stabilisation Mechanism and the debate on safeguards for non-euro area Member States”, in corso di pubblicazione sulla Revista de Finanças Públicas e Direito Fiscal.
- Sisler C., “The Court of Justice of the EU Rules on the Power of the European Commission to Withdraw Legislative Proposals”, disponibile all’indirizzo,
- Alì A., Pertile M., Rossetto N., Sisler C., Turrini P., Verda M., “Trade and Investments in Energy in the Context of the EU Common Commercial Policy”, Study, European Parliament, Directorate-General for External Policies, Policy Department.
- Sisler C., “The Mechanisms of Financial Assistance: Intergovernmentalism and its Impact on the Legal Framework of the European Union”, in Revista de Finanças Públicas e Direito Fiscal, n. 4 VII, 2015, pp. 39 ss.
Other related activities
- Sisler C., “Intergovernmentalism and crisis management in the European Union”, presented at “Frontiers of research at SIS”, University of Trento, School of International Studies, 9 September 2015.
- Sisler C., “Procedure sanzionatorie nell’Unione Economica e Monetaria”, lesson delivered within the course European Union Law,- Advanced, University of Trento, Faculty of Law, 28 April 2015.
- Sisler C., “Gli strumenti processuali UE e il contenzioso nazionale”, lesson delivered at the Scuola di Specializzazione per le professioni legali, Trento-Verona, University of Trento, Faculty of Law, 30 March 2015.
- Sisler C., “The Semester of Italian Presidency of the EU”, presented at “”, Università di Trento, Scuola di Studi Internazionali, 27 Novembre 2014.
- Sisler C., “L’evoluzione della vigilanza bancaria”, presented at “Il Meccanismo di Vigilanza Unico: le sfide dell’Unione Bancaria”, Università di Trento, Facoltà di Giurisprudenza, 10 Aprile 2014, with the participation of prof. Antonino Alì and Michele Cossa (European Central Bank and Bank of Italy).