Science, Technology and International Relations (STERI) 2018-2021
Science, Technology and International Relations (STERI) project webstite
Research Team: Paolo Foradori, Stefano Schiavo; Post-doc Fellow: Georgios Glouftsios
The Project's aims
Three are the major lines of research. 1) Technological Politics and European Security: this Work Package explores the complex interrelatedness and feedback loops between, on the one hand, techno-scientific innovations and, on the other hand, transnational security dynamics, especially in Europe. 2) Combating the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction: this research analyses the threat of weapons of mass destruction, understood as the whole of chemical, biological, nuclear and cyber weapons. 3) Climate change and food security: this line of research looks at the relationship between climate change and food security at a global level. The broad research question is whether international trade in agricultural and food products can help mitigate the adverse effects of climate change.
Firms and workers at the crossroad: new challenges for the Italian economic systems (co-founded by Fondazione Caritro) 2019-2020
Research Team: Andrea Fracasso (PI), Mauro Caselli, Stefano Schiavo; Post-doc Fellows: Jasmine Mondolo, Silvio Traverso
The Project's aims
The project has two main objectives. The first is to document the evolution of market power of Italian firms and see how this relates to the above-mentioned imbalances. The second is to explore the effects of robotisation on the labour market. The value added of this project is the possibility of joining forces with local partners to address these issues from a national and regional perspective.
Personalization, Institutionalization and Deinstitutionalization: the new power dynamics (financed as project PRIN 2015) 2019-2020
Research Team: Carlo Ruzza; Post-doc Fellows: Carlo Berti, Paolo Cossarini
The Project's aims
The goal of the research project is to examine the political-sociological aspects of populist and anti-populist parties and groups in Europe. The research focuses on the analysis of empirical and theoretical aspects of the populist phenomenon in recent years.
The EU Trade Policy in Civil Wars and Other Cases of Contested Sovereignty: An International Law Perspective (co-funded by Trentino Sviluppo and UniVerona) 2017-2020
Research Team: Marco Pertile, Antonino Alì, Andrea Fracasso; Post-doc Fellows: Sondra Faccio, Vito Todeschini
The Project's aims
The project aims at investigating the process of formation of the EU trade policy in cases of contested sovereignty, based on the scrutiny of the practice of the relevant actors, and at assessing the consistency of the EU trade policy in light of the rules of international and EU law.
Anti-establishment voting and economic integration 2017-2018
Anti-establishment voting and economic integration project website
Research Team: Mauro Caselli, Andrea Fracasso, Carlo Ruzza, Stefano Schiavo; Post-doc Fellow: Silvio Traverso
The Project's aims
The aim of the project is to examine empirically the potential link between the rise of anti-establishment parties and the increase in economic integration, with both European and non-European countries. It will study if anti-establishment parties have obtained relatively more votes across national Parliamentary elections in Italy and other European countries with available data within those regions most affected by economic integration and the recent crisis.
BeneLex - Benefit sharing for an equitable transition to the green economy 2017-2018
BeneLex - Benefit sharing for an equitable transition to the green economy project website
Research Team: Elisa Morgera (PI), Louisa R. Parks
The Project's aims
The project aims to investigate the conceptual and practical dimensions of fair and equitable benefit-sharing, including its role and limitations in ensuring fairness and equity in the identification and allocation among different stakeholders of the advantages arising from environmental protection, the sustainable use of natural resources, and the production of knowledge. The project seeks to better understand the progressive development of fair and equitable benefit-sharing obligations and modalities in different areas of international environmental law and their intersection with international human rights law.
CLIMAWARE (Change Impacts on Future Availability of WAter REsources and Hydro-Geological Risks (UNITN project, in cooperation with DICAM, Department of Civil, Enviromental and Mechanic Engineering) 2015-2016
Research Team: Andrea Fracasso, Stefano Schiavo; Post-doc Fellow: Paolo Turrini
The Project's aims
The project focuses on the interactions between climate change and human activities related to water, embracing physical, social, legal and economic processes. The project studies how changes in water cycle components related to extremes affect the society and some contiguous sectors (like agriculture, tourism, and energy production), and analyses the role played by social behaviour, economic processes and legal instruments in managing the availability of freshwater.
The reform of the Chinese growth model: economic, political and institutional issues (funded by the Autonomous Province of Trento) 2014-2016
Research Team: Luigi Bonatti, Andrea Fracasso, Paolo Rosa; Post-doc Fellow: Peng Bin
The Project's aims
This research project aims to develop some theoretical macroeconomic models to study the transition path and the long-term implications on growth of various reform scenarios, taking fully into account the delicate balance of power between the dominant social groups and the elite that governs the country. The project will also aim to address the impact of the transformation of the Chinese socio-economic model on the international relations that China maintains with the Western countries and its Asian neighbours.
A Legal Analysis of the Financial and Economic Crisis Management in the European Union: Intergovernamentalism and its Implications (funded by the Autonomous Province of Trento) 2014-2016
Research Team: Antonino Alì, Giorgio G. Fodor, Marco Pertile; Post-doc Fellow: Chiara Sisler
The Project's aims
The overall purpose of the research project is thus to investigate the causes that led to an intergovernmental approach to crisis management by EU Member States, assess its impact on the EU legal system and discuss its possible future developments.
Crisis in the European Union: between Transnational Integration and National Disintegration (funded by the Autonomous Province of Trento) 2014-2015
Research Team: Luisa Antoniolli, Matteo Borzaga, Gustavo Corni, Giorgio G. Fodor, Sara Lorenzini, Carlo Ruzza, Jens Woelk; Post-doc Fellow: Umberto Tulli
The Project's aims
The project will deal with the notion of crisis in the European Union. It will focus on the definition of crisis in the European system, as it evolved historically in its various components (institutional, political, economic, social, and moral) and discuss the outcomes of crisis. The project is multidisciplinary in nature.
The global virtual-water network: social, economic and environmental implications (funded by MIUR, call FIRB 2012 – Future in Research) 2013-2016
Research Team: Julinda Beqiraj, Andrea Fracasso, Marco Pertile, Stefano Schiavo, Mara Tignino; Post-doc Fellows: Martina Sartori, Paolo Turrini
The Project's aims
This is a multidisciplinary project that studies the main drivers and consequences of international virtual water flows. The research activity carried out at the SIS aims at identifying the main economic and legal determinants of virtual water flows, and their impact on global water efficiency. The main objectives are two: a better understanding of the global dynamics in virtual water flows and the evaluation of the impact of such flows on food safety. We will investigate the complex relationships between climatic, agronomic and socio-economic factors that shape the evolution of the worldwide trade of virtual water.
The INTL-UNI Project: The Challenges of the Multilingual and Multicultural Learning Space in the International University (funded by EU Commission) 2012-2015
Working Group Member at the SIS: Catherine Riley
The Project's aims
This EU funded project aims to identify ways of addressing these challenges and making the most of the opportunities to eventually produce a series of quality criteria for international programmes. The aims of the IntlUni Erasmus Academic Network are to identify the quality criteria that should characterise teaching and learning in the Multilingual and Multicultural Learning Space, to develop recommendations for how Higher Education Institutions may implement and ensure the sustainability of quality teaching and learning in the Multilingual and Multicultural Learning Space; to identify the linguistic, cultural and pedagogical/didactic challenges in the various types of HEIs in the typology.
Differences, migration, integration: education to citizenship in the age of legal pluralism (funded by Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio Trento e Rovereto - Caritro) 2015
Post-doc Fellow: Serena Tomasi
The Project's aims
The aim is to enhance intercultural dialogue and stimulate - since the first cycle of tuition - those skills required to get acknowledged with European and transnational sources of law, as well as being able to play an active citizenship, suited to the needs of the local school scenario. The project also aims at developing a tool fostering key competences in the European context of the qualifications for life-long learning, related to self-fulfilment, active citizenship and social cohesion.
The SPEAQ Project: Sharing Practice in Enhancing and Assuring Quality (funded by EU Commission) 2013-2014
Research Unit at the SIS: Catherine Riley
The Project's aims
The general aim of this two-year EU funded project is to connect the three key quality stakeholders: teacher, student and quality manager in order to share and enhance quality assurance practice in higher education and ultimately foster a quality culture. The aim of the SPEAQ project (Sharing Practice in Enhancing and Assuring Quality) is to connect three key quality circles: teacher, student and quality manager in order to share and enhance quality assurance practice in higher education.
The Structure and Growth of World Trade and the Role of Europe in the Global Economy 2012-2013
The Structure and Growth of World Trade and the Role of Europe in the Global Economy project website
Research Team: Stefano Schiavo; Post-doc Fellow: Shamnaaz Begum Sufrauj
The Project's aims
The project aims at investigating the growing interdependency of social and economic relationships among world countries using a network approach. It proposes a simple stochastic model of network formation and evolution, to describe the structure and dynamic properties of international trade, and uses it as a benchmark against which to test the performance of each country.