The debate and the evolution of thought on the definition of fundamental human rights dates back to centuries of political history of the world in the East and in the West. Just think of the so-called Cylinder of human rights of Cyrus the Great (VI B.C.) in which the first seeds of freedom of thought and the abolition of slavery are sown or the Magna Carta of 1215 in which new rights were given to people, subjecting the sovereign to the law. The 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights can be considered a major milestone achieved during the 19th century. However, there are numerous contexts in which human rights are regularly violated. A rather heated scientific debate is going on the definition of fundamental human rights: some hold theses concerning the relativity of human rights while others argue that there are some fundamental inalienable rights. Furthermore, the protection of the rights of majorities can often risk not sufficiently considering the protection of the rights of minorities. This cluster aims to be a place for analysis and reflection on various issues relating to human rights in the world in order to contribute to the enrichment of scientific research and the dissemination of issues concerning the violation or protection of fundamental human rights in various international contexts.

Cluster's Coordinator

Michele Nicoletti

Cluster's Members

  Research interests
Pejman ABDOLMOHAMMADI International Relations of Middle East, Political Islam, History and Politics of Iran, Democratisation and Security in Middle East
Antonino ALI' EU Law, Interaction between EU Law and International Law, Protection of Human Rights in Europe, EU Counter-Terrorism Law
Luisa ANTONIOLLI Comparative Law, EU Law, Private Law
Matteo BORZAGA International, European and Comparative Labour and Social Law
Andrea FRACASSO International Economics, European Economic Integration, Chinese Economy, TFP externalities
Sara LORENZINI International History, Contemporary European History, Development Aid
Francesca MUSSI International Law, Human Rights Law, Refugee Law
Giuseppe NESI International Law, Law of International Institutions, International Human Rights
Michele NICOLETTI International Political Theory, Ethics, Religions and International Politics
Marco PERTILE The Law of Armed Conflicts, International Law and Natural Resources, Human Rights Protection
Stefano SCHIAVO International Economics, Network Analysis
Umberto TULLI European Integration History, U.S. Diplomatic History, Human Rights History, Transatlantic relations
Jens WOELK Comparative Constitutional Law, Federalism/Regionalism, Minority-protection, Constitutional Issues of EU Integration, Constitutional Transitions in South Eastern Europe